Sunday, November 08, 2009

What else is there?

Frozen in fear
in the middle of the plain
just stood there, under the rain
not knowing what to do
In silence
quiet, not even blinking

Earing nothing
Simply staring in front
Like a small prey,
mesmerized lost eyes, immobile
seems to be waiting to be hunt

Not even a sound
can be heard,
but the one from the drops falling
and the leaves in the branches
pushed by the wind

Not even a sight
can be seen, in the dark
but the small sparkling glow on the iris
a reflection of the moon
on the twilight before the hour

And the lightning bolt
illuminated the evening stormy sky,
just flashed and struck
In a split second
raging through the air
bursting right down to the ground

Didn't even understood
or feel the numb warmness
rushing through the skin
just until it was
barely too late

Defenseless, or so he tought...

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